About Us
200 Year Anniversary
1824 - 2024
Founded in 1824 by 4 men who called a public meeting to form a Horticultural Society of Aberdeen. Some 40 years later its work was recognised when it was given the right to use the word 'Royal' in its title.
Throughout its years it has remained a voluntary organisation whose aim has been to 'advance knowledge and encourage the practice of horticulture in the community'.
Throughout the passage of time the principal purpose of the Society remains the same. In 2024 this remains :- To foster and encourage interest and knowledge in all aspects of horticulture providing lectures, sponsorships, visits and shows.
On Friday the 31st of May 2024, Members and Guests celebrated the 200 Years Anniversary with a dinner held in Aberdeenshire Cricket Club. Pictured are the 2024 Directors and the celebration cake made by Ythan Bakery, Ellon.